- 4-motor drivetrain initialization
- Move Base Function
- 2 controller initialization
- Control Motor Via Controller Axsis
- Check Button Pressed
4-motor drivetrain initialization
The following example is how to initalise motors for a 4 motor drivetrain
vex::motor LF = vex::motor(PORT1, gearSetting::ratio18_1, true);
vex::motor LB = vex::motor(PORT2, gearSetting::ratio18_1, true);
vex::motor RF = vex::motor(PORT3, gearSetting::ratio18_1, true);
vex::motor RB = vex::motor(PORT4, gearSetting::ratio18_1, true);
The last argument in the functions may vary based on how the robot is built
The following is the default method to initialise Horizontal and Vertical (Primary and Secondary) controllers.
vex::controller H = vex::controller(primary);
vex::controller V = vex::controller(partner);
Move Base Function
The following example is a function that will make the robot move based on a specified speed and duration.
void moveBase(int speed, int duration)
LF.spin(directionType::fwd, speed, velocityUnits::pct);
LB.spin(directionType::fwd, speed, velocityUnits::pct);
RF.spin(directionType::fwd, speed, velocityUnits::pct);
RB.spin(directionType::fwd, speed, velocityUnits::pct);
To run the function, just call it in the main()
as shown below
int main()
moveBase(100, 500);
take note that task::sleep(duration)
is in milliseconds so…
1 second = 1000 milliseconds
Control Motor Via Controller Axsis
The following code is usually put in the main()
function during user-control period
LF.spin(directionType::fwd, H.Axis3.value(), velocityUnits::pct);
LB.spin(directionType::fwd, H.Axis3.value(), velocityUnits::pct);
RF.spin(directionType::fwd, H.Axis2.value(), velocityUnits::pct);
RB.spin(directionType::fwd, H.Axis2.value(), velocityUnits::pct);
The image below is for reference
Image source:Holonomic drive train code - VEX Robotics Competition Discussion / VRC > Change Up (20/21) - VEX Forum
Check Button Pressed
The following code moves an arm motor when L1 or L2 is pressed.
It is usually placed in the main()
if (V.ButtonL1.pressing)
arm.spin(directionType::fwd, 100, velocityUnits::pct);
// alternatively you could do the following
arm.spin(directionType::fwd, 0, velocityUnits::pct);